Corrosion Management

The 12 Management Requirements

2 Lessons

Lesson 1 - Management Requirements Part 01

Module 04 – Unit 01: Management Requirements Part 01

Objective: Management requirements are considered to be amongst the most important non-corrosion engineering based integrity management measures. The purpose of this unit is to introduce and explain the first six management requirements: Registers, Strategies, Procedures, Databases, Data Management and Documentation.

Lesson 2 - Management Requirements Part 02

Module 04 – Unit 02: Management Requirements Part 02

Objective: Management requirements are considered to be amongst the most important non-corrosion engineering based integrity management measures. The purpose of this unit is to introduce and explain the latter six management requirements:  Asset Corrosion Management Strategy, Corrosion Control Matrices, Corrosion Key Performance Indicators, Communication, Competency, Team Structure and Roles and Responsibilities.